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    Sunday, January 6, 2019

    2019 Photo Update - 3 Pictures for the New Year

    Happy New Year!

    Below are 3 short stories from the New Year - 

    What do you do when your power goes out?

    Last night there was a strong wind storm, knocking out our power around 11:30pm. Since we have electric heat and hot water there was none of that to greet me Sunday morning. The storm had blown away all the rain and clouds from the day before and so the sky was bright and sunny - though still with a January chill.

    So, when you have no heat and no hot water and 5 people in the house slowing waking up who'll need to be fed what do you do? You put on your wellies, bundle up, and start camping!

    It was the first time using the grill since last fall so I checked the lines and set it to SEAR so anything growing in there would be charcoal for cleaning after 10 minutes. As the grill temperature rose, I emptied the fire pit into the new garden bed (it isn't full yet) and set about building a fire just for warmth. Thankfully, we have a stash of dry wood in the backyard I've been eyeing for a winter moon-viewing party!

    I was never a Girl Scout, but I do love camping so it was a fireside breakfast for all - herb roasted potatoes with eggs, sausage, and scallions, hot tea, and blood oranges. The herbs and scallions from our own backyard :-)

    Grim Grows Up!

    Look at this guy - he's so handsome! << Heart melt >>
    Grim is a sassy doofus always trying to get someone to play with him. He's got a bad case of little brother syndrome - stealing Pye's toys, pulling her hair, and using Pye as his personal pillow cushion as much as he possibly can. Pye deals with this constant nagging pretty magnanimously - she steals toys back or tricks him into dropping the one she wants for something she doesn't have much true interest in, she rolls him over, and she keeps him off the couch. Pye is allowed on the couch when we are gone. Grim would be too, but Pye strongly disagrees - I think it is the one place in the house where she can get some peace and quiet!

    Pye is a Couch Potato

    Sorry for the blurry pic but this is a secret shot of Pye, lying on a pillow, watching My Little Pony. This is priceless!

    If I had tried to take a real picture she would have noticed me watching and gone back to pretending to be a dog...I think secretly she thinks she's a person. Maybe she is...No Judgement.

    Anyways, this is why Grim can't use the couch. He'd simply interfere too much with Pyewacket watching MLP!

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